Priceless, a man never forgets his first lap dance 

Welcome to My Site

Well, it's obvious that you didnt just find this website searching in yahoo or some other search engine. How do I know this? Mainly because I chose not to list it in any search engines. Why? Well, it would defeat the purpose of the name "undernet" and this stupid server only alows 250 clicks per month before they take it off(pretty gay huh?). Actually This is a very new site designed by yours truly, and I have not yet decided on how the site is to be laid out. There are only three themes to this site; free stuff; having fun; and ripping off bill gates. As you can see the only real thing that I have accomplished having fun. Unless your name is Brent Lambrod, Dave Knutsack, Curt blowmeright, or Sarah sluthomas(As these are modified versions of real people whom I have decided to keep! confidential. If you come into contact with these individuals take extreme caution because they have been know to be associated with the notorious and deadly "gb beaver" who is wanted by the FBI for braking two light bulbs at other peoples houses without their permission, stealing peoples potential girlfriends, trying to have a good time, and not giving a damn in general), send any suggestions you may have for improving this site to[email protected]!

Top Ten Reasons Why I can do Whatever the Hell I Want to My Website

  1. It's my damn website
  2. Its my website
  3. Its a free country
  4. I have freedom of speech
  5. I feel like it
  6. It's not your website
  7. Because I can
  8. It's 4:00 in the god damn morning and I want to go to bed
  9. If you dont like it get the hell out
  10. Ok I'm done thinking!!

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